Map Functionality
The map can be hidden by clicking the "hide map" button.
To restore the map click the show map button in the top right corner.
The set-up viewed when first logging in will depend on the screen width of the user. If your screen resolution is HD (1920px wide by 1080px high) or above you will see the map beside the Project ID, and will be able to change the layout. If your screen is narrower than this the map will be displayed above the Project ID table.
To change the layout of wide screens you can click "fit width" or "fit height". Fit width will make the map take up the screen width and the Project ID table to be displayed below
Reset width will bring the Project ID table back alongside the map.
The "fit height" button will shrink or expand the "element", e.g. Project IDs Table or Map, to the available browser screen height.
The Overview Map is an interactive display that can be zoomed to the level of detail required and adjusted to the user’s preference by using the Map Layers menu on the right-hand side of the display to adjust the transparency of the features listed.
The map legend is available by clicking the button in the bottom left of the map window.
The basic functions on the map are as follows:
You can also zoom in and out with the scroll button on your mouse.
Additional GIS layers can be added using the small blue button in the top right corner of the Overview Map window.
Clicking this button will display a list of the NSTA’s GIS Web Map Services (WMS), which have been preloaded, and selecting a file will add the information to the Overview Map display while adding the display details to the Map Layer menu. If you wish to add your own, or third party WMS to the map view please request this through the support centre. The terms associated with the WMS server will then be assessed and if possible URL will be allowed.
The layers can be switched on and off with the tick mark. Layers that you have added can be removed with the little “x”. The transparency of the layers can also be adjusted to your preference. In this example “pipelines” have been added.
The Overview Map can be zoomed in to view information at Quadrant level. When zoomed out to full extents clicking on a Quadrant will display all data files within that Quadrant. Use ‘Shift’ + click to remove selected features.
As you zoom in you can choose specific fields or features, this will show the data files associated with the field, in the Project IDs table to the right.
As you can see through each iteration the number of files on the left window reduces.
The small "light blue" hexagons are well clusters. If you click on these, it expands to show the wells and they are listed in the Project ID Table
Moving the cursor over these lists of associated datasets will highlight where these individual pieces of information have spatial data associated with them in the Map view window.
To filter data on a user-defined polygon, zoom to block level, select the "draw a polygon" icon, the draw the polygon over the area of interest, finish by joining the last point to the first. The map will show it is "filtering" and then a message will pop up on the map confirming filtering is complete.
The Projects table to show the wells, surveys etc. that sit within the user-defined shape (there is a buffer, so there may be a few items included that are outside, but close to the polygon).
If you select a Project ID, and then View Files. the map will automatically zoom to that area. For well data, this will be the top position, for 3D and 4D seismic the area will be shown, for 2D seismic data the seismic lines will be visible.
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