Data Discovery UI/UX Developments:
NDR Map – Spatial filtering by block
Since the new service was launched it has been possible to constrain a search using a spatial filter of the boundaries of an offshore Quadrant and an offshore hydrocarbon field. We have applied the same approach to offshore blocks.
At the appropriate zoom level users can now isolate every wellbore and seismic survey that crosses or lies within a given offshore block with a single button click.
Selecting a block on the map filters the Project ID Table to show only the well and seismic projects that lie within the spatial buffer. We expect this new functionality to be particularly useful to users searching for data that is pertinent to forthcoming offered areas for petroleum licence applications, which will be defined at the block or sub-block level.
Project ID Table – handling more rows
User can select multiple Project IDs and send the associated files to the File Table. When we launched the service, we recognised the need to balance ease of use and performance, and we set an upper limit of 10 Project IDs at a time to send to the File Table.
In their usability review feedback users asked us to increase or even remove the limit. We have looked at that and have adapted the way the information is processed. That has allowed us to increase the threshold to 30 Project IDs at a time.
Once added to the File Table, another 30 can be processed – there is no practical limit on how many files you can add to the File Table.
Project ID Table – changes to buttons
Show Selected button shown in grey when inactive (i.e. no Projects have been selected). When one or more Projects are selected, the button changes colour when it becomes active.
The same applies to Clear Selected, Export CSV and View Files
Add Well GIS button has been renamed to Add Well Columns for clarity.
Mouseover pop-ups have been updated to add further clarity to the contents of the following buttons:
Show Selected, Hide Selected, View Files, Show/Hide Map, Fit Columns, Add Well Columns
Project ID Table – changes to columns
A new attribute has been added with the title Area, and populated for wells in the Northern, Central and Southern North Sea, the West of Shetland and East Irish Sea “areas”. We have added this attribute to assist users in shortlisting the table on a regional basis. The areas are necessarily broadly defined, and there are regions of UKCS with relatively few wells that have not been included at this time.
Areas for seismic surveys will be added soon, with 3D surveys being defined now.
Mouseover information pop-ups have been updated to add further clarity to the contents of the following columns:
Survey/Well ID, Data Reporting Group, Licence/s, Company ID, Project Type, Project End Date, Release Date, Project Size, Seismic Type, Release Rule
Abbreviations in the column header menus have been expanded to the full titles of Project End Date and Release Date
We have introduced date range filters for Project End Date, Release Date and Last Update, and pre-populated drop-down lists have been added for Project Type and Seismic Type
The column Release Round has been removed from the Project ID Table. The attribute has not been maintained in NSTA Systems of Record for some time and was highlighted by users in the NDR UI/UX Review as being of little relevance.
Project ID Table – Additional well columns:
Similar amendments have been introduced to the recently introduced columns of wellbore attributes sourced from the NSTA Open Data Service.
A date range filter has been added to the Spud Date
Completion Status, Well Intent and Field can be grouped, and filtered by a pre-populated drop-down list
Mouseovers for Completion Status, TVD (m),MD (m),Well Intent, Spud Date and Field have been modified for clarity.
File Table – changes to buttons:
Changes to the File Table buttons follow the approach in the Project ID Table, with Add Files to Session Basket, Export CSV buttons showing in grey when their functions are inactive.
We have also amended the mouseover text in these File Table buttons for clarity: Add Files to Session Basket, Fit Columns, Fit width, Reset width, Line Name, Legacy File ID
File Table – changes to columns
Mouseover edits have been added to Survey/Well ID, Preview, Project Type, Metadata Tags, Top Z (m), Bottom Z (m), Z Type
Project Type now has a pre-populated drop-down rather than a free text filter
Date range filters are available for Load Date, Release Date, Log Run Date
Support for map projection “TM 0 North”
In collaboration with Shell we have defined the correct parameters for the co-ordinate transformation of data that has been acquired with reference to the ED50 TM 0 North map projection, to an NDR compatible coordinate reference system.
Now configured in the NDR, seismic data that spatially references “TM 0” can now be loaded direct to the repository using the self-service upload routines.
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