The latest version of the NDR User Interface - v20231208_11 .
- Project ID Table in Data Discovery
Default list of NDR Project IDs
On opening a new session, the default listing of Project IDs for wells, surveys etc. includes all Released projects, and if your user account is associated to a Data Reporting Group company, any unreleased Project IDs that are associated to your company.
The default listing now includes Unreported Project IDs – those that have no files associated to them – if they have been marked as Released. No Unreleased projects are listed by default (other than those that may be associated to your company).
This change increases the visibility of available data - from the moment a user logs in they have sight of all wells, surveys etc. that they can access data from, or could access data from if as yet unreported information was to be uploaded.
We have removed the purple Show Unreported Project IDs button from the table menu (formerly on the top right, next to Reset Width) – users can still use the drop down menu in the column header for Project ID to show and hide unreported Project IDs, or to show both Reported and Unreported projects. We have simplified this drop down menu by removing options to show only well, seis, mhaz etc. – those options are available via the Project Type column multi select filter (more on that below).
These developments include a change for certain NSTA users that enables all Undisclosed Project IDs to be listed with a single mouse click. That change to our workflow is not visible to external users, however it will improve efficiencies in our work that ultimately improves the all-round experience for all users.
Table functionality – filtering and ordering the table using the column headers is now more flexible thanks to changes introduced in this version.
Clear Filters – a user can type free text into certain header filters to refine the project listing, e.g. typing 22/05 into the Survey/Well ID column filter will shorten the list to show only the well projects that relate to Quad 22, Block 05. The filter can then be removed by clicking the Clear Filters button in the top right menu. On occasion we have found that the list would revert to an unfiltered view, but the typed text would remain in the filter box. We’ve looked into that and added a change that will clear the text.
Space in Well ID – according to PON 12, the official Regulatory Well ID is to include a space after the hyphen, unless the well was drilled from a platform, in which case the space would be replaced by a single capital letter to identify the platform. Until now the text filter did not recognise the space as a character, which didn’t make it easy to differentiate platform wells and open water wells within a given block. Now the space is recognised – we like to call this “Jackie’s Filter”. 😉
Multi select Filters – Several column headers now have a multi-select drop down menu, replacing the free text filters in previous versions. These are available for Area, Project Type, and Seismic Type, and if the user chooses to Add well columns to the Project ID Table, multi-select filters are also available for Completion Status and Well Intent.
So for example, rather than only being able to filter Project Type on either seis or mhaz, the user can now select both seis and mhaz. If the user is interested in North Sea specific Exploration and Appraisal wellbores, they can toggle off Development wells, and the Areas West of Shetland (WOS), East Irish Sea (EIS) and Celtic Sea & Channel (CSC – yes, that’s what it stands for), to focus specifically on NNS, CNS and SNS E&A well projects in their area of interest.
Swap Tables – Users told us they’d like to have more control over the layout of the Data Discovery view. We added the Hide Map / Show Map option some time ago, and users have always been able to switch between Fit Width and Reset Width to set the width of the Project ID and Files Tables as either full or half width of the browser respectively.
With Map and Project ID Table both set to half width the user has been able to highlight Projects on the map by passing their cursor up and down the Project ID Table listing. Similarly the map will highlight files that have been populated into the Files Table, however for most of us it hasn’t been practicable to see the Map and Files Table on screen at the same time. With this release the user can swap the position of Project ID and Files Tables using the Swap tables button on the menu above the Files Table.
2. Also in Data Discovery:
Basemap update – We previously offered two Basemap options in the Map, one with bathymetry/topography and one without. The service we use suspended the basic version, so for now we’ll only show EMODnet – Bathymetry in the Map Layers Menu. We will reinstate the basic alternative if and when a replacement service becomes available.
CRS assignment – EPSG Codes – In our September 2023 release we announced the introduction of a workflow that enables Data Managers to assign a Coordinate Reference System (CRS) to seis and mhaz Project IDs. Having a record of the CRS not only supports quality assurance for seismic data reporting, but will also enable us to integrate NDR content with the NSTA’s Open Data service. All CRS’s that are valid in the NDR have a corresponding code issued by the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG).
A commonly used CRS in the UK North Sea uses the datum European Datum 1959 (ED50) and the projection Universal Transverse Mercator zone 31 (UTM 31N). Very important and precise, and also a bit of a mouthful.
EPSG use the code 23031-1311 For ED50 & UTM 31N, so we have added this, and all other relevant EPSG codes, to the Select CRS drop down menu, which we expect will make setting the CRS more straightforward for Data Managers.
3. Data Submission - this view is available to users with the Company Data Manager role:
Auto-suggested classification for seismic data. Data Managers who are loading SEG-Y data are now assisted by auto-suggested classification functionality, which aims to streamline the data reporting workflow and to help DMs more accurately classify data. This new feature runs in the user’s browser, analysing data before it is uploaded. It reads content in each of the trace, binary and EBCDIC headers to determine what stage in the seismic processing sequence the data relates to, and consequently which C Tag should be assigned.
When a file includes appropriately populated headers the system can more accurately suggest an appropriate C Tag. Rather than take the decision out of the users hands, the procedure proposes a C Tag that the user can either accept or change to an alternative. The user has ultimate control, and must verify the suggestion in order to proceed.
As with any such solution, the more information and the more accurate, the better. Based on header metadata, the system determines a confidence level in its results. Where only partial information is detected and, for example, there are two equally likely possibilities, then both will be highlighted in the C Tag selection pop up, as indicated in the image below.
If there is no relevant metadata in the headers the user can still manually assign C Tags as they have been accustomed to doing until now.
Osokey’s Development Team have drawn on a breadth of data sources and domain expertise to interpret various expressions of seismic data processing metadata. We've found the functionality to be working very well, however you may find that your SEG-Y has metadata that isn’t being interpreted fully by this functionality, or that the suggested CTAGs don’t match your expectations. If you think that is the case then please contact the Support team who may be able to incorporate the metadata in your headers so that you can benefit from auto-suggested classification too.
The support team would welcome any feedback you have on this enhanced approach.
Submit Data – Additional changes we’ve added to support Data Managers who are reporting data feature in the Submit Data view. Previously, having selected a Project ID to load data to, the Upload Data section at the bottom of the screen showed only the Project ID. We recognise that users are more familiar with the Well ID or the Survey ID, so based on user feedback we’ve updated the procedure so that both the Project ID AND the Well/Survey ID are shown in the Upload Data section. Early feedback indicates that Data Managers have found this simple tweak to be quite helpful. If you have thoughts about changes we can make to the UI, do let us know. Sometimes it doesn’t take much to make things work just that little bit better!
Also in Submit Data, when a seis or mhaz project that does not yet have a defined CRS is selected we’ve updated the layout and presentation of the Warning message to clarify the correct course of action.
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